Figuring out what I wanted my idea to be about was difficult, there's such a huge wealth of information and potential topics to evolve. I started out by making a mind map of my interests, I thought by doing this I could find something that I'm passionate about and make a final year project about that. You can see the chart here:

I could've gone much deeper, but I felt this was sufficient to understand my interests, I managed to get the idea about wearable design by combining a few key points:

The next idea would be to develop a puzzle game, this game would be likely browser-based, and came from my previous experience building such a product, where I got my highest grade at University for a similar project. Some of the key points joint together to form this idea were as follows:

Having a great understanding of strategy and puzzle games throughout my life, I believe using my experience I could create a great product here, something with infinite depth and one that gets into the mind of the user.

To find the final product idea, however, posed some more of a challenge, I considered that as part of my design, I could actually make a product that focused on idea generation, for example, you can type in a topic and it shows all the appropriate synonyms for that topic, as well as perhaps related news articles, and related words. I could perhaps see if I could harness the Wikipedia database for this purpose. This is something I'm about to Google, to see if there's anything out there like this already.

I found a site that does this, its that initially was inputted with some generic app ideas by the creator and then was expanded by adding user-inputted social media ideas, there were upvoted or downvoted accordingly so that the best and most popular ideas appear at the first. is another, this one I found to be more helpful. Upon using this website, I found myself with some interesting concepts: